Action 2.A

Action 2.A

Innovative techniques for managing production in marine cultivation and development of seeding management systems in the lagoon

Title Description
Specific objective To promote innovation in the aquaculture sector and encourage productivity growth
Action: (CODE) Action 2.A
Innovative techniques for managing production in marine cultivation and development of seeding management systems in the lagoon
Purpose of the Action To limit the use of plastic materials in marine cultivation, to improve the pre-fattening phases for clam seeding
Methods of implementation Public tender project
Territorial area of ​​implementation Internal range of the CAG of Chioggia e Delta del Po

Allowed actions

  • Investments for the development of seeding fattening of Tapes philippinarum
  • Investments for the development of innovative techniques in marine cultivation of plants for the reduction of environmental impact (use of plastics)
Subjects eligible for funding Producer Organizations, Consortia, Cooperatives, Fishing Companies
Products and expected results At least 3 innovative marine cultivation interventions
At least 2 seeding pre-fattening systems in the lagoon area
State aid n.p.
Estimated expenditure Total: 375.000,00 €
Public contribution: 300.000,00 €
When will these actions take place and in what order? Start in 2017 for about 60 months
Person responsible for the implementation Winning bid contractors

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