Action 4.A

Action 4.A

Revitalize the transitional environments at risk from poor hydrodynamics and consequent effects

Title Description
Specific objective Environmental requalification measures to support aquaculture/fishing in lagoons and transitional waters
Action: (CODE) Action 4.A
Revitalize the transitional environments at risk from poor hydrodynamics and consequent effects
Purpose of the Action To develop internal areas in order to improve environmental quality with direct benefits also for fishing and aquaculture activities
Methods of implementation Public tender project
Territorial area of ​​implementation Internal organization of the CAG Chioggia e Delta del Po
Eligible activities
  • Environmental monitoring programs to support and execute approved procedures for environmental requalification of Habitat, Habitat of species, Natura 2000 Network and biodiversity
  • Interventions to revive the lagoons and the maintenance of navigable waterways
  • Providing protection for natural nursery areas caused by the naturally occuring coastal weather
Subjects eligible for funding Public organizations
Products and expected results At least 2 monitoring programs
At least 2 revitalised areas in the lagoons and  maintenance of navigable waterways
At least 1 initiative to protect nursery areas
State aid n.p.
Estimated expenditure Total: 500.000,00 €
Public contribution: 400.000,00 €
When and in what order are the activities scheduled Start in 2017 for about 60 months of operation
Person responsible for the implementation Winning bid contractors

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