“Development of the blue economy for an overall growth of the Chioggia e Delta del Po territory”
The 2014-2020 Plan of Action of the GAC FLAG Chioggia e Delta del Po is part of the broader vision of the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth within the new structure established by the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP - EU Reg. 1380/2013) and the strategies of Blue Growth.
The plan is based on a series of strategic factors, through which the Plan of Action intends to achieve the "expected change" in the Delta del Po and Chioggia areas:
- consider the sea as a resource with enormous potential for innovation and growth, as defined by the blue growth strategy;
- take into account the importance of the social dimension, favouring measures aimed at employment, training more relevant to the needs of the labour market, improving the quality of life in areas dependent on fishing;
- promote investments targetted at and closely linked to increasing the competitive capacity of companies and limiting their negative impact on the environment;
- increase the production value, reducing management costs, identifying innovative services to the companies, and enhancing and rationalizing the grouping of companies at a higher hierarchical level (Consortia, OP, trade associations);;
- promote effective administration, strengthening the role of guidance, coordination and control at local, regional and district levels;
The economy of the fisheries supply chain following the previous 2007-2013 program shows a decrease of about 30% of fishing units, a decrease of about 40% of fishing workers, a 16% increase in the number of employees in the aquaculture sector and a decrease in the retail trade system in some areas.
On the basis of the analysis carried out, listening to local interested parties, a distinct strategic idea was developed in three main segments:
1) Support to companies in the fishery supply chain by providing incentives in:
- recruitment of employees into the fishing industry (particularly young people and women);
- the strengthening of the sector's aquaculture activities capable of absorbing new jobs;
- aiding new companies to get going (start up) (particularly young people and women).
2) Support for the application of the new Community fisheries policies and related management aspects where incentives are to be given for:
- effective management of discard as per EU Reg 1380/2013,
- advanced management of environmental services in port areas,
- efficient planning of maritime space to protect the interests of the local fishing economy.
3) Support to the territory to help improve the environmental management of the fish supply chain and the main transitional areas following the Incentive Plan:
- the activation of productive areas;
- accessibility to the lagoon areas (navigable waterways);
- the protection of biodiversity for the conservation of habitats, specific species habitats and species of the Natura 2000 network system.
The communication and animation strategy (CAS) is the main tool to promote active participation of the various interested parties, authorities and institutions in the activities of the FLAG during the promotion/public tender, implementation, surveillance and evaluation phases. It is defined in accordance with what is suggested by the FARNET network and has been decided according to the different types of targets. These include: the various interested parties (individual operators, companies, consortia, POs, associations of fishermen and breeders, etc.), potential beneficiaries, actual beneficiaries, institutions and bodies, non-governmental organizations, the local community, communities of national and international FLAGs.
Furthermore, the CAS is designed to promote the construction of a community to support the development of FLAG actions, thus creating a sense of interest, belonging and participation in the initiatives.
The FLAG GAC Chioggia e Delta del Po strategically believes that interterritorial and transnational cooperation represents a transversal driving force for the pursuit of local development objectives defined in the context of its own development strategy. Indeed, cooperation is expected to provide numerous and various advantages for the fishing areas of Chioggia and Delta del Po. It will primarily be a source of new ideas and methods that can contribute to the implementation of certain aspects of the local development strategy, such as the creation of new economic opportunities for local fishing communities as well as services for the coastal community and the management and enhancement of natural resources. Interregional and transnational cooperation will also offer the GAC Chioggia e Delta del Po the opportunity to expand existing projects or to develop new ones by pooling skills and resources and/or open new markets or have new business development opportunities.