Action 3.A

Action 3.A

Aid fishing companies in the process of diversification of production and management

Title Description
Specific objective Support the diversification of the fishing enterprise
Action: (CODE) Action 3.A
Aid fishing companies in the process of diversification of production and management
Purpose of the Action Develop support measures for fishing and aquaculture businesses that diversify their skills also with a view to creating forms of integrated income
Method of implementation Public tender project
Territorial area of ​​implementation Internal organization of the CAG Chioggia e Delta del Po

Eligible actions

  • Investments for the development of marine tourism
  • Investments for the development of fishing tourism
  • Investments for the development of breeding activities for new species of commercial interest
Subjects eligible for funding Organization of Producers, Consortia, Cooperatives, Fishing Companies (rewards for taking on new female and young employees)
Products and expected results At least 2 investments for fisheries/fishing tourism
At least 2 investments for newly bred species of commercial interest
State aid n.p.
Estimated expenditure Total: 200.000,00 €
Public contribution: 100.000,00 €
When and in what order are the activities scheduled Start in 2018 for about 48 months of operation
Person responsible for the implementation Winning bid contractors

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