Action 5.A

Action 5.A

Support in managing discard according to Reg. (EU) 1380/2013 and in the implementation of ecosystem services

Title Description
Specific objective To promote synergy with the fishing world as an ecosystem service provider
Action: (CODE) Action 5.A
Support in managing discard according to Reg. (EU) 1380/2013 and in the implementation of ecosystem services
Purpose of the Action To aid fishing companies to meet obligations that can become opportunities for enhancing production
Methods of implementation Public tender project
Territorial area of implementation Internal organization of the CAG Chioggia e Delta del Po
Eligible activities
  • Investments in equipment and systems to support the application of Regulation (EU) 1380/2013 on discard
Subjects eligible for funding Producer Organizations, Consortia, Cooperatives, Fishing Companies
Products and expected results At least 4 discard and minimum product size management systems
State aid n.p.
Estimated expenditure Total: 312.500,00 €
Public contribution: 250.000,00 €
When and in what order are the activities scheduled Start in 2017 for about 36 months of operation
Entity responsible for the implementation Winning bid contractors

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