Action 3.B

Action 3.B

Strengthening of cultural exchange initiatives with other national and European territories

Title Description
Specific objective Support the diversification of fishing enterprises
Action: (CODE) Action 3.B
Strengthening of cultural exchange initiatives with other national and European territories
Purpose of the Action Sharing experiences and project ideas with other FLAGs / CAGs and with the other community organizations (for example the eastern Adriatic resorts)
Methods of implementation Public tender project
Territorial area of ​​implementation Internal organization of the CAG Chioggia e Delta del Po
Eligible activities
  • Training activities and cultural exchanges
Subjects eligible for funding Category associations, recognized research institutes
Products and expected results At least 2 guided tours abroad
At least 2 guided tours in Italy
At least 2 organized hospitality events
State aid n.p.
Estimated expenditure Total: 50.000,00 €
Public contribution: 50.000,00 €
When and in what order are the activities scheduled Start in 2018 for about 48 months of operation
Body responsible for implementation Winning bid contractors

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