Action 7.A

Action 7.A


Title Description
Specific objective To promote the active participation of various interested parties, organizations and institutions in the activities of the FLAG during the operational phases of promotion/tendering of activities, implementation, surveillance and evaluation
Action: (CODE) Action 7.A
Purpose of Action 1. Development and preparation of advertising materials for the distribution of information relating to the initiatives, activities and proposed projects, implemented and concluded by the FLAG;
Ensure access to FLAG documents and information on the FLAG;
3. Promote the widest possible participation to public tenders by providing information for the candidates and technical assistance to the interested companies/organizations
Implementation methods Directly managed project (ownership)
Territorial area of implementation The whole territory of the CAG
Eligible activities
  • Website creation and maintenance
  • Newsletter
  • Activation computerized info point
  • Organization of events and seminars
  • Participation in the FARNET network
  • Production and distribution of information material
  • Organization of information meetings and technical support for potential and actual recipients
  • Activation and coordination of thematic work groups (technological innovation; fisheries management)
Subjects eligible for funding CAG (with services contract)
Products and expected results Interventions in at least 1 museum space
1 initiative for networking with other museum facilities
State aid n.p.
Estimated expenditure Total: € 200.000,00 (100.000,00 for communication and 100.000,00 for entertainment)
Public contribution: € 200.000,00
When the activities are scheduled and in which order January 2017 until 2023
Entity responsible for the implementation GAC

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