Action 6.C

Action 6.C

Development of cultural and museum spaces for CAG territory fishing and aquaculture promotion

Title Description
Specific objective Development of services to modernize infrastructures in the fishing ports
Action: (CODE) Action 6.B
Development of cultural and museum spaces for CAG territory fishing and aquaculture promotion
Purpose of the Action To promote fishing culture the image of fishermen, history of the territory, and product expansion
Methods of implementation Public tender
Territorial area of implementation Municipalities of Rosolina, Porto Viro and Porto Tolle
Eligible activities
  • Structural and functional adaptation of buildings and appliances
  • Preparation of exhibition spaces
  • Networking with other museum facilities
Subjects eligible for funding Public entities
Products and expected results Interventions on at least 1 museum space
1 initiative for networking with other museum facilities
State aid n.p.
Estimated expenditure Total: 100.000,00 €
Public contribution: 100.000,00 €
When the activities are scheduled and in what order Start in 2018 for about 48 months of operation
Entity responsible for the implementation Winning bid contractors

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